Lagnam Rashi Nakshatram are three important components in Horoscope or Birth Chart. Lagnam Rashi Nakshatram describes a person characteristic in detail.
10 : 33
Lagnam | Lagna
Aries - Mesham
Lagnam Lord
21° 42′
21.71 °
Nakshatram | Nakshatra
Mula - Moolam
Paatham | Quarter
Nakshatram Lord
Syllable for Nakshatram
Ye, Yo, Ba, Be
Sagittarius - Dhanu
Rasi Lord
10 : 33
லக்கினம் - மேஷம்'
லக்கினம் அதிபதி - செவ்வாய்
21° 42′
21.71 °
நட்சத்திரம் - மூலம்
பாதம் - 3
நட்சத்திரம் அதிபதி - கேது
பெயர்கள் - யே, யோ, ப, பி
இராசி - தனுசு
அதிபதி - குரு
* தனம், புத்திர காரகன் ஆவார் *
Lagnam Rashi Nakshatram
Lagnam is a Rashi which is rising over the Eastern Horizon at the time of birth and place of birth.
In a Birth Chart or Horoscope, Lagnam or Ascendant placed house is the 1st House or Rashi and is called the house of the self which is very important.
The Lagnam or Ascendant helps in calculating minutest event in a person’s life through astrology. From Lagnam rest of Rashi are calculated upto 12 Rashi.
Rashi or Janma Rashi itself is the Zodiac where Moon is placed. Each Rashi spans to 30 Degree and Moon takes approximately two and quarter days to travel or cross a Rashi or Zodiac.
Every day predictions are usually based on Rashi of a person.
Nakshatram or Nakshatra or Janma Nakshatra or Birth Star which is the constellation in which the Moon was located at the time of birth and place of the birth of an individual and have their own influence on the individuals life.
Rashi and Nakshatra represent mind, psychology and emotional stability. Nakshatram prevailing on any day is obtained from the absolute longitude of Chandra or the Moon Phases. This is counted from Mesha Rasi.
We should use planetary positions sidereal or Nirayana longitudes and not planetary positions Sayana or tropical longitudes.
That is we should make use of Ayanamsa corrected longitudes. Nakshatram is an important concept in Hindu astrology. Most of the auspicious functions and marriage are based on Nakshatram.
If we know the Nakshatram of the day in general we can obtain the Moon Sign or Rasi in which moon is placed. Each Nakshatram is ruled by a planet.
The Dasha Bhukti periods at the time of birth of an individual is decided by the Lord of Nakshatram of that day.
Each Nakshatram is further divided into four Pathams (quarters) another important concept in oriental astrology. Navamsa chart or Divisional chart – 9 is also constructed based on this.
Each Rashi or Zodiac spans 30 degrees from Aries (Mesham) to Pisces (Meenam). Each Nakshatram spans 13.333333 degrees with 4 Pathams or Quarter.
Each Nakshatram patham spans 3.333333 degrees and each Rashi or Zodiac accommodates 9 Nakshatra Pathams. A Mesha Rashi can be from Nakshatram Ashvini 1 to 4 or Bharani 1 to 4 or Karthigai 1.
Lagnam Rashi Nakshatram has their own ruling lord.