Astrology Birth Charts is representation of Planetary Positions at birth time. Rasi Chart or Birth Chart shows Rasi, Lagnam, Planetary Positions in a Chart, in twelve houses.
- 27 - 03 - 2025
Ayanamsam : 24° 12′
Nakshatram : Dhanishta - Avittam
Nakshatra Padam : 4
Nakshatra Lord : Mars
Ascendant | Lagnam : Virgo - Kanni
Ascendant | Lagnam Lord : Mercury
Rashi : Aquarius - Kumbha
Rashi Lord : Saturn
Tithi : Krishna Paksha Dwadashi
Current Dasha : Mars | Sun | Kethu
7 Pisces
Su 12° 09′
Ra 02° 00′
Me 07° 04′
Ve 04° 27′
8 Aries
9 Taurus
Ju 20° 42′
10 Gemini
Ma 28° 07′
6 Aquarius
Mo 05° 25′
Sa 29° 57′
11 Cancer
5 Capricon
12 Leo
4 Sagittarius
3 Scorpio
2 Libra
Asc 25° 38′
1 Virgo
Ke 02° 48′
Birth Chart or Natal Chart also known as Horoscopes, shows Ascendant, Rasi and Planetary Positions in various signs as noted for the time and place of birth.
Astrology Birth Chart Calculator | Rasi Chart Horoscope Calculator
To plot Astrology Birth Chart exact date of birth, time of birth and place of birth is required. A typical birth chart will show Ascendant, Rasi, corresponding Janma Nakshatra.
Astrology is the scientific study and application of language of the heavenly bodies. These heavenly bodies determined on the basis of Astronomy and mathematics, are mapped in the form of Birth Chart called as Horoscope.
Their specific locations in the horoscope indicate specific happenings in the case of individuals. Vedic Astrology is based on a very sound understanding of astronomy.
In ancient India, astronomy was a highly developed subject. Knowledge of astronomy was considered essential for an astrologer.
Birth Chart Calculator – Horoscope
Birth Chart or Horoscope has four major elements. These are Signs, Houses, Planets and Planetary Periods.
Signs: The first element of Astrology or Birth Chart is signs, Birth Chart is divided in to Zodiac, each zodiac occupies 30 degrees from o degree to 360 degree.
The twelve zodiac are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces.
Zodiac is divided into twelve equal parts, each such part has an extension of 30 degrees of the arc. Such a division is called a sign or Rashi.
A Rashi consists of two and a quarter Nakshatras or birth star or Janma Nakshatra. A particular group of stars in the zodiac is considered as the starting point of the zodiac.
The twenty-seven Nakshatras or the twelve signs begin. A star or Nakshatra covering 3 deg. 20 min, the Zodiac is divided into 27 equal parts also called Nakshatras or Lunar Mansions.
Each Nakshatras is further divided into four parts called the Padas or Charanas. There are thus 108 Nakshatra Padas or quarters in the twenty-seven Nakshatras.
The planets from the Sun to Saturn have been allotted the ownership of these signs.
Lords Of the twelve signs, starting from Mesha (Aries) are respectively Mars, Venus, Mercury, the Moon, the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Saturn and Jupiter.
Houses: The second element of Astrology is houses, Birth Chart or Horoscopes have 12 houses which govern everything in life.
1st: Personality, 2nd: Wealth, 3rd: Self Efforts, 4th: Property, 5th: Education, 6th: Problems, 7th: Relationships, 8th: Death, 9th: Religion, 10th: Career, 11th: Gains, 12th: Losses.
Planets: The third elements of the astrology is Planets, they are The Sun, Moon, Mercury, Rahu, Jupiter, Venus, Kethu, Saturn and Mars.
Planetary Period: The fourth element is Planetary Period or Dasha Bhukti period.
Dasha Bhukti or Planetary Periods (Every planet rules a set number of years).
Sun: 6 Years, Moon: 10 Years, Mars: 7 Years, Mercury: 17 Years, Jupiter: 16 Years, Venus: 20 Years, Saturn: 19 Years, Rahu: 18 Years, Ketu: 7 Years. Dasha Bhukti thus help us in the timing of events.
Astrology Birth Chart – Rasi Chart Ascendant
At the time of birth, the Rising Sign (Ascendant) is established, based on the constellation (zodiac sign) on the eastern horizon.
Each rising sign has its own characteristics and helps to identify the personality of the individual.
The rising sign changes every two hours of the day.The rising sign, which changes every two hours, takes precedence over the Sun and Moon signs.
The Moon remains in one sign for two and a half days. Anyone can be Aries to Pisces.
The Sun remains in one sign for 30 days. Anyone can be Pisces to Aries.