Chandrashtama days occurs for all Janmarashi or MoonSign when Chandra or Moon transits in the 8th house or Rashi in the Birthchart forms Chandrashtama.
Chandrashtama Days
Chandrashtamam Today
04 : 23 : 51
Taurus - Vrishabha - Vrishabham Rashi
Krittika - Karthigai Nakshatram
Patham 3
INF : 00 AM
What is Chandrashtama Days
Chandrashtama was formed by combining the two words Chandra and Ashta which mean Moon and Eight respectively.
As per astrology the two and quarter Chandrashtama days are considered as inauspicious.
In simple terms, Chandrashtama days means when the moon is transiting through the eighth house of your own moon sign which is known as JanmaRasi or Rasi in Hindu Astrology system.
Each Zodiac Sign is 30 degrees, Chandra takes roughly two and half days to travel completely one Zodiac.
Moons average motion per day will be approximately 13 degrees or it travels 13 degrees in a day.
Though it take roughly two and half days for moon to cross each sign, the entire two and half days of moons transition into your eighth sign is considered as Chandrashtama.
The Janma Nakshatram or Birth star which relates to your Moonsign, gives you significant effect when moon travels 13 degree 20 minutes duration through a specific star.
Chandra – Moon, the fastest moving body of the planetary entities in each of these Nakshatras is one of the important parameters in Astrology.
Chandrashtama which occurs once in 27 days is considered to be inauspicious for various astrological reasons.
No auspicious activities are undertaken during Chandrashtama days, in general.