Lunar Eclipse Calculator occurs when the Sun, Earth and Moon are all perfectly aligned in a straight line, you may be able to view Lunar Eclipse based on Moon rise time.
Lunar Eclipse Calculator
SEP 7 2025 23 : 40 Hrs GMT 5.5 Hrs PenUmbral Eclipse Start @ 20 : 58 Umbral Eclipse Start @ 21 : 57 Total Eclipse Start @ 23 : 01 Peak Stage of Eclipse @ 23 : 42 Total Eclipse End @ 00 : 24 Umbral Eclipse End @ 01 : 27 PenUmbral Eclipse End @ 02 : 27 Total Eclipse Duration 01 Hrs 22 Mins MAR 3 2026 17 : 09 Hrs GMT 5.5 Hrs PenUmbral Eclipse Start @ 14 : 14 Umbral Eclipse Start @ 15 : 21 Total Eclipse Start @ 16 : 35 Peak Stage of Eclipse @ 17 : 05 Total Eclipse End @ 17 : 34 Umbral Eclipse End @ 18 : 49 PenUmbral Eclipse End @ 19 : 56 Total Eclipse Duration 00 Hrs 59 Mins
From Earth you may be able to view Lunar Eclipse depending on the Moonrise Moonset Times. When the Moonrise does not happen during the eclipse time, you cannot witness eclipse.
Lunar Eclipse occurs when the Earth lies in between the SUN and Moon, and the Earth’s shadow falls on the Moon.
Anyone on the surface of the Earth that faces the Moon at the time of Lunar Eclipse can view it.
Partial Eclipse occurs when the outer part of Earth’s shadow (umbra) crosses the Moon and if the moon is in close to the center of Earth and the central part of the shadow covers the Moon, the result is a total Eclipse.
Eclipse can only occur the night of a Full Moon Day.