Tamil New Year Day is also known as Tamil Varuda Pirappu, the first day of Tamil month Chithirai in Tamil Hindu Calendar occurs every year mid of April.
2026 TAMIL NEW YEAR DAY CALENDAR CHENNAI TAMIL NEW YEAR DAY Tuesday TAMIL NEW YEAR DATE 14 4 2026 SUN Enters Mesha Rashi at 09:24:38 hrs approximately
Birth of Tamil New Year Day
Tamil New Year Day occurs when SUN transits in to Mesha Rashi and it can also considered as Mesha Rashi Sankranti.
Sankranti is the start of New month based on SUN transition from one rashi to another. Tamil New Year Date Calculation follows Nirayana Vernal Equinox and generally falls on 13 or 14th April of the calendar year.
Tropical Vernal Equinox fall around 19 to 21 March every year and by subtracting Ayanamsa degree, we get Hindu sidereal or Nirayana Mesha Rashi Sankranti or Tamil New Year Day.
Basically on both Equinox SUN’s longitude would be ZERO Degree and it denotes SUN completed one complete 360 degree rotation.
Tamil New Year Day and Nakshatra Chithirai
Tamil month start and end based on the SUN transition from one Rashi to the other.
Usually the name of the months are based on the star or Nakshatra prevailing on Pournami | Full Moon Day of that month.
The first Tamil Month Chithirai is name of the Nakshatra Chithirai, prevailing on Pournami day of the month Chithirai.
Tamil New Year is the start of the season Ilavenil Kaalam or Spring in English occurs between Mid April to Mid June.
Chitra Pournami, Tamil New Year and Chithirai Thiruvizha are the most important festivals in TamilNadu.
Most people believe that starting new activities on this day will flourish.
Every year SUN transition time into Mesha Rashi varies between 5 to 6 hours approximately.